The Blind Lead Trust (BLT) has to represent our prototypes in the northeast level of India for the first time in the Regional Science center of KhanaPara district of Assam state:so, in this festival EXpo we have brought two projects. you may check the short description of our products here.description of the two products:ABSTRACTThe Braillex Labeler is a low-cost, pocket-sized device that enables blind individuals to produce raised braille dots on 3M Scotch® Magic™ Tape, a widely-distributed brand of adhesive cello tape, which is easily embossed with raised, braille dot-like deformations. Adhesive, braille-embossed labels or notes can then be easily applied to items and surfaces used by blind individuals in everyday life, for enhanced personal organisation, safety and productivity. Blind individuals can label medications and note dosage information, label important papers and files, label buttons and switches for device operation, note down contact information, and leave personal reminders. Braillex is small enough to be kept in a pocket or a purse, and the tape is cheap enough for regular, frequent usage, without concerns over wastage or excessive cost.WaxPen: the waxpen is the techtile or assistive device to enable the visually impaired students or blind people to write as well as a normal Pen. but it will be available and accessible for both users between the blind and sighted people. it’s designed into electronics with the Gluestick, Battery, switch, aluminum wire, etc. for instance, if the blind students want to practice drawing for the men or women etc they can do it through it and that is the sighted people can see and the blind people also can see it. through this prototype it will help to be more accessible related to the education for the visually impaired students.spoken with the judges of this festival program, they said that the WaxPen prototype is the first time for them to see this type of designer or machine. They are interested in it! so, through this program it can be more aware of the brand of the organization and the prototypes.Hence, we in our organization are still facing the challenges related to promoting the talented and the assistive devices that we have in order to contribute for the welfare of the visually impaired society or community due to the financial crisis. As of now there are no companies/individuals and NGOs who are interested to join hands with us to empower us together as real citizens of India. Even to pay salaries for the staff we don’t have the money right now. all the staff are working without the payment, but how long they can survive like that! as the organization and feel responsibility, we are so sad to see that is happening in our organization in that way. Because most of our staff are the visually impaired themself and who are suffering in their the organization we have tried as well as we can on how we can get the funding support from our citizens. but none of them are interested to do that, except the one we have on the board right now.Therefore, we as the blind people, we beg all the citizens to please join hands with us and support us to grow up so that we can develop together as well as an inclusive society. We are very happy and feel encouraged if you can collaborate or be with us whenever we have the challenges or haarder in our lives. We can understand that society suffers a lot too. But if you think about it, we the blind people are struggling in their lives. so, the question has arrived. How do you manage all of these if you become a blind? Some people cry if they see us because they already have experience in such a program for blind, we thanks to the INNOVATION FESTIVAL, February 22-23, 2024, organised by, Regional Science Centre, Guwahati, (A unit of National Council of Science Museums), Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, In association with National Innovation Foundation-India, The Innovation Festival is an annual event organised every year by Regional Science Centre, , Guwahati in its premises in association with National Innovation Foundation- India. The , Innovation Festival provides a common platform to people like Innovators, Artists, , Performers, Crafters, Science demonstrators from NE regions to showcase their creation/ , products etc. The Innovation Festival is going to be organized on 22nd and 23rd February , 2024. , The Innovation Festival will have the following sections where experts from respective fields , will showcase their creativities with live demonstration. , Innovators, Artisans, Do-it-yourselves, Challenge corner, In the Innovation section, innovative products, machineries etc. will be showcased by the, people who are working in different fields for the benefit of the society. , In the Artisans section, experts working in different fields like Art, Craft, Music, Pottery, , Bell metal, Sculpture, Terracotta etc. will take part with their creativities. As a part of the , Festival, many hands-on-activities will also be conducted in the “Do-it-yourselves” and , “Challenging activity” sections especially for school students and general public.
BlindLeadTrust and Music Inclusive School(LightInTheDark)
The first time Event Program <Light In The Dark> has been organized by the (BlindLeadTrust and Music Inclusive School) in the State Central Library, Shillong Meghalaya.
In this Event it was taken from both parties and they are all visually impaired. They are the one whom to lead for the cited people to the Dark Hall. There are 8 tables and one person at each table. At table 1 is Mr. Kanai Debnath trustee of the blind lead trust. Table 2 is Mr. Krishna Phawa, trustee of the blind lead of Shillong. Table 3 is Ms. Takisha Shabong, Fellow of Blind Lead Shillong. Table 4 is Ms. Lucy Lamare, fellow of Blind Lead Shillong. Table 5 is Ms. Bandwina Khymdeit, Assistant Secretary of Blind Lead Trust Shillong. Table 6 is Mr. Bahjoin Dkhar, border of blind lead shillong. Table 7 is Mr. Jitendra Dkhar Co-Founder/Managing Director of the Blind Lead Trust Shillong Meghalaya India Country. They all really enjoyed this Event and sang together as a celebration of Christmas in advance.
The gold of this Event was we wanted the society to have an exploreal or to have the experiences for the (World of the Blind People) which is always in the darkness. This was the first organized event program which collaborated with the Blind Lead in Shillong. So, there are a lot of experiences and opinions we got from the people as feedback. For instance the cited people said that this was incredible in their lives. They asked a lot of questions. They imagine how we are living in our daily lives. And how we used to walk, cook, clean, study, etc like this in the dark. People used to cry and some of them are very funny to enjoy it like the blind people in the dark world. Some of them also used to be scared when they were inside in the dark but the blind people are confident and ready to comfort them in the safe way and said to them “don’t be scared I will guide you in the proper way”. They said that this is the best world.!
So, when they sat down together in the Chairs in the darkness without seeing each other , they could only hear each other. And then the blind people started to teach the cited people as well. They used to teach them like they did with the visually impaired students when they begin to learn everything and start exploring the world. For instance, to show them the Chair to sit on and show them the table, Cup, Spoon, Sugar, tea bag, Snacks and Cattle on how they can make Tea by themselves in the darkness like the blind people did everyday. At the same time, there are also the musicians which were played by the blind people themselves in the dark to entertain the people who are coming to the event to support and explore the lives of the blind people (Music Inclusives School Students). There are more than 50 participants approximately who are coming to the event and we can say those who love the blind community as a first trial.
Hence, inside the dark after the blind people taught the cited people to make their Teas. so, the blind people found that they are not remembered for what they have taught them. For instance, when the cited people started to pour their tea. It was the ulta of the Cattle and it was overflowing even the ground floor was very wet. Some people don’t like to eat the Snacks since they do not know what kind of snacks they have right now. So, the leaders of the different tables shared their challenges with their audience at the table about the organization challenges and their daily living, always in the dark. At the same time, on how they study and what kind of alphabet they study in their schools or colleges. But if they have to go and take medicine from the hospitality, they are faced with another challenge since there are no prescriptions and other accessibility for the facility. Especially one thing related to this event, if the visually impaired go to the Restaurants they wouldn’t see the foods directly like the cited people did. For example, the cited people if they don’t know the names of the food also still can look directly to the Kitchen and find out which kinds of food they like to eat. But for the blind people they are required to touch their fingers so that they will know and ask from the Waitress or Waiters. But they are not the same as well. There are also a lot of the blind people who already know the food list in the restaurants. But the problem was there was no menu in Braille Alphabet so that they could check by themselves and order as per their wants. Most of the time, that was the issue the blind people faced with the restaurants in Shillong city and they were so upset when they went to the restaurants. Because if they always depend on asking the waitress/waiters if they want to eat or taste something in the restaurant they feel shy for sometime. It might be an insult to them in that way. At the same time, the waitress or waiters don’t have time to explain everything to them. And also if they need something during the process of eating. They are very difficult to find out or to call for the waitress and waiters to give them for their needs. In that way, if there are any buttons where they can press from their tables so that it will help them in easy ways. If that happens, it will not be easy only for the blind people. It can be more attractive even to other customers. Because there are a lot of customers who don’t want to shout in public places, especially with the girls as per our experiences.
Therefore, the BlindLeadTrust non-Government Organization is very glad for this last Event Program on the 16th of december 2023 (Light In The Dark) . We really enjoyed it! We felt that the world was for us! At the same time, we also hope that this is just a beginning; it will be more supportive from now onwards. There are a lot of works and plans that we have to do in order to promote the organization and the blind community related to the development, tradies, training courses, and employment etc.
We on behalf of the BlindLeadTrust Organization would like to thank Sir Vijay who is the co-founder of the Colks company in Shillong Meghalaya and he is also the board member of the BlindLeadTrust. We also would like to thank to Mr. Zoma who is the head of the (Music Inclusive School) because these are the two persons who began to discuss arranging for this Event Program (Light In The Dark) so that is why the first thanks goes to them including Mr. Mariadon. At the same time, we are very grateful and we sent the big thanks to our helpers in this Event like volunteers, Zoma Team and especially to the Colks team including Ms. Unes, Iba and all other members of Colks who have actually worked hard to prepare from the beginning of the event. And also we have to thank the Media team of the Colks who are actually prepared for the advertisement before the Event. So, the BlindLeadTrust must be not forget to thank to Late Dr. Theodore M. Moallem, because he was the one who partnered and supported to start to launch for the BlindLeadTrust Organization With Mr. Jitendra Dkhar currently Managing Director of BlindLead. Even to his family we are very grateful to their support for us even after he died which was over just last year 2022 financially. But the most important thanks is to all of the participants of that day on the 16th of december 2023 the event Light In The Dark. We are so appreciative of your coming and learning about the world of the blind people. Even if we don’t have to give anything to you, your support and generosity was so mean to us. We hope this was not the first time, you will also support and donate for us for the future programs and projects. And you may share about it with your friends and colleagues. They should not miss any programs from the BlindLeadTrust in the future as well. We are very sorry if we miss someone and something to be thankful for. But just consider it as yours also As special thanks.
Highlights from Light in the Dark Event
The first time an Event Program has been organized by the Blind Lead Trust and Music Inclusive School ay the State Central Library in Shillong, Meghalaya.
Lucy (middle) with some of the guests who came to the event.
Bandwina (middle) with two guests who came to this event.
In this event it was taken from both parties and they are all visually impaired. They are the one who lead for the sighted people to the Dark Hall. There are 8 tables and one person at each table. At table 1 is Mr. Kanai Debnath trustee of the blind lead trust. Table 2 is Mr. Krishna Phawa, trustee of the blind lead of Shillong. Table 3 is Ms. Takisha Shabong, fellow of Blind Lead Shillong. Table 4 is Ms. Lucy Lamare, fellow of Blind Lead Shillong. Table 5 is Ms. Bandwina Khymdeit, Assistant Secretary of Blind Lead Trust Shillong. Table 6 is Mr. Bahjoin Dkhar, border of blind lead shillong. Table 7 is Mr. Jitendra Dkhar Co-Founder/Managing Director of the Blind Lead Trust Shillong Meghalaya India Country. They all really enjoyed this Event and sang together as a celebration of Christmas in advance.
Takisha leading the guests into the darken hall.
The goal of this event was that, we wanted the society to have an explore or to have the experiences for the world of the blind people which is always in the darkness. This was the first organized event program which collaborated with the Blind Lead in Shillong. So, there are a lot of experiences and opinions we got from the people as feedback. For instance the sighted people said that this was incredible in their lives. They asked a lot of questions. They imagine how we are living in our daily lives. And how we used to walk, cook, clean, study etc., like this in the dark. People used to cry and some of them are very funny to enjoy it like the blind people in the dark world. Some of them also used to be scared when they were inside in the dark but the blind people are confident and ready to comfort them in the safe way and said to them “Don’t be scared I will guide you in the proper way”. They said that this is the best world!
Guests thanking Bandwina
So, when they sat down together in the Chairs in the darkness without seeing each other , they could only hear each other. And then the blind people started to teach the cited people as well. They used to teach them like they did with the visually impaired students when they begin to learn everything and start exploring the world. For instance, to show them the chair to sit on and show them the table, cup, spoon, sugar, tea bag, snacks and kettle on how they can make tea by themselves in the darkness like the blind people did everyday. At the same time, there are also the musicians which were played by the blind people themselves in the dark to entertain the people who are coming to the event to support and explore the lives of the blind people (Music Inclusive School Students). There are more than 50 participants approximately who are coming to the event and we can say those who love the blind community as a first trial.
People being led out of the Darken Room
Hence, inside the dark after the blind people taught the cited people to make their teas. so, the blind people found that they are not remembered for what they have taught them. For instance, when the cited people started to pour their tea. It was the ulta of the kettle and it was overflowing even the ground floor was very wet. Some people don’t like to eat the Snacks since they do not know what kind of snacks they have right now. So, the leaders of the different tables shared their challenges with their audience at the table about the organization challenges and their daily living, always in the dark. At the same time, on how they study and what kind of alphabet they study in their schools or colleges. But if they have to go and take medicine from the hospitality, they are faced with another challenge since there are no prescriptions and other accessibility for the facility. Especially one thing related to this event, if the visually impaired go to the Restaurants they wouldn’t see the foods directly like the cited people did. For example, the cited people if they don’t know the names of the food also still can look directly to the Kitchen and find out which kinds of food they like to eat. But for the blind people they are required to touch their fingers so that they will know and ask from the Waitress or Waiters. But they are not the same as well. There are also a lot of the blind people who already know the food list in the restaurants. But the problem was there was no menu in Braille Alphabet so that they could check by themselves and order as per their wants. Most of the time, that was the issue the blind people faced with the restaurants in Shillong city and they were so upset when they went to the restaurants. Because if they always depend on asking the waitress/waiters if they want to eat or taste something in the restaurant they feel shy for sometime. It might be an insult to them in that way. At the same time, the waitress or waiters don’t have time to explain everything to them. And also if they need something during the process of eating. They are very difficult to find out or to call for the waitress and waiters to give them for their needs. In that way, if there are any buttons where they can press from their tables so that it will help them in easy ways. If that happens, it will not be easy only for the blind people. It can be more attractive even to other customers. Because there are a lot of customers who don’t want to shout in public places, especially with the girls as per our experiences.
Members of Light After dark (2 to the left) and Blind Lead Trust (2 to the right)
Therefore, the Blind Lead Trust non-Government Organization is very glad for this last Event Program on the 16th of December 2023 (Light In The Dark) . We really enjoyed it! We felt that the world was for us! At the same time, we also hope that this is just a beginning; it will be more supportive from now onwards. There are a lot of works and plans that we have to do in order to promote the organization and the blind community related to the development, trades, training courses, and employment etc.
We on behalf of the Blind Lead Trust Organization would like to thank Sir Vijay who is the co-founder of the Colks company in Shillong Meghalaya and he is also the board member of the Blind Lead Trust. We also would like to thank to Mr. Zoma who is the head of the (Music Inclusive School) because these are the two persons who began to discuss arranging for this Event Program (Light In The Dark) so that is why the first thanks goes to them including Mr. Mariadon. At the same time, we are very grateful and we sent the big thanks to our helpers in this Event like volunteers, Zoma Team and especially to the Colks team including Ms. Unes, Iba and all other members of Colks who have actually worked hard to prepare from the beginning of the event. And also we have to thank the Media team of the Colks who are actually prepared for the advertisement before the Event. So, the Blind Lead Trust must be not forget to thank to Late Dr. Theodore M. Moallem, because he was the one who partnered and supported to start to launch for the Blind Lead Trust Organization With Mr. Jitendra Dkhar currently Managing Director of Blind Lead. Even to his family we are very grateful to their support for us even after he died which was over just last year 2022 financially. But the most important thanks is to all of the participants of that day on the 16th of December 2023 the event Light In The Dark. We are so appreciative of your coming and learning about the world of the blind people. Even if we don’t have to give anything to you, your support and generosity was so mean to us. We hope this was not the first time, you will also support and donate for us for the future programs and projects. And you may share about it with your friends and colleagues. They should not miss any programs from the Blind Lead Trust in the future as well. We are very sorry if we miss someone and something to be thankful for. But just consider it as yours also as special thanks.
Light in the Dark Event Program in Shillong Meghalaya India
Today on the 12th of december 2023 we celebrated Christmas in advance together with the Tiewnylla group which was a girls group.The Tiewnylla group has lent their helping hands to our organization as a gift, one nice Cake and some amount as a donation for the better living and progress of our organization. We are very grateful to them and pray for them and their group together for their family. They will get fresh lives and beautiful works from now on.The president of the Tiewnylla group led the small meeting in our office and spoke to us with nice and encouraging words. The second speech was from the secretary of the Tiewnylla group and she was very humble or give us a strong message with the desire of Jesus with the blessing. After that we are all standing together and praying before we have a Breakfast with the cake together with the present of two other members of the Tiewnylla group, Adviser and Treacherous. All four of them are very humble and kind people. The best thing is that they have advice related on how we can move forward for our organization and betterment of the visually impaired community. At the same time, they said that maybe this is the first time and we will see what we can do in the future. It was so amazing for us to hear that! Of course, the organization doesn’t have a permanent location because we don’t have the infrastructure or place where we can have a great building and future. We agree that they advise us about this.Therefore, the organization would like to give a big thanks and we are really grateful to the Tiewnylla group for your kindness and generosity. Your inspiration and contribution is really meaningful to our organization. We hope that we can still connect for the future and request you to please connect and share about our organization to other groups, companies etc. if you really do, we will be so appreciative of it.There is an Event program which we called (Light in the Dark) which we want society to have an experience about the world of the visually impaired always in the dark. Please come so that you will be so amazing and incredible in your lives.LIGHT IN THE DARK EXPERIENCE DATE:16TH DECEMBER 2023 VENUE: STATE CENTRAL LIBRARY TIME: 11:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Join us as we embark on a unique journey, guiding you to embrace darkness and elevate your senses. Prepare to live through an incredible experience meticulously crafted by the visually impaired. The Blind Lead Trust team promises an event that will transform your perception and offer a new prespective. R.S.V.P contact : +91 96124 09929/ +91 70053 38526 You are cordially invited to a Special Event by Blind Lead Trust and Inclusive Music School
Shillong Press Club by Blind Lead Trust?
The Blind Lead Trust (BLT) organization has organized the press conference at Shillong Press Club to announce to the society about what the organization has been doing and what it will be doing on the last friday dated 25/08/2023. Introduction of the organization.Blind Lead Trust is a non- profit Organization established on 26th June 2018 as a Public Trust under the Act of 1882. The co-founder of this trust was Shri. Jitendra Dkhar (Managing Trustee, Director) and (Late) Dr. Theodore Moallem (second trustee) and six other trustees. The Trust was previously registered at Lower Lachumiere Shillong but the present address is in Lumbasuk A (1st floor) Lawjynriew Road, Nongthymmai Shillong, Meghalaya. Blind Lead Trust has 7 trustees, 7 staff and 58 beneficiaries. It was also registered under the RPWD Act of 2016 on 26th April 2022.The Motto of the organization is “ When the blind lead the blind, they can choose their own paths.” This means that if a blind person is well trained He/She can stand on their own feet and lead a prosperous life. Yet, even though their eyes are dim, they are able to be independent and choose their own way.Mission:BLT, India is a non-profit organization, based in Shillong, Meghalaya, whose mission is to protect the rights of the blind and visually-impaired and improve them for the future of all young blind people. To help them live their dreams, participate more fully in society and to be more independent and self-sufficient. We aim to foster equal opportunity in education, empower knowledge, promote job opportunities and protect the rights of the visually impaired. The Organization focuses on providing Free Training Courses in an accessible way related to computer technology.Aims and Objectives of the Organization:To undertake educational programmes/projects for the personal development of blind and low-vision people.To undertake programmes/projects for the socioeconomic development and social integration among blind and low-vision people.To promote and propagate the awareness of blind person’s rights and abilities among young blind people and all members of their communities.To undertake any other objects of public utility.Introduction to our projects. Our organization has launched three projects to make all differently abled people achieve their goals: the Talking ATM Project, Craft Project and Computer Training project for the visually impaired.Heading 1. ATM Project: The ATM project that the organization had established is to assist the blind customers to be able to use the transactions by themselves independently without anybody’s control either parents or friends, The project focused on the Accessibility of Talking ATMs for the Blind people. This project was aimed to improve the accessibility for the visually impaired because most of the people in Meghalaya have little knowledge about the Talking ATMs. In this project the organization conducts a survey and tests the ATMs which are available in every headquarter of the District and how they function whether they are accessible for the visually impaired to be audible or not. In this project we try to compare how they function for the blind user and sighted. After the different functions have been investigated, the talking ATMs can help the visually impaired obtain the knowledge on how to use the talking ATM to be available for all their financial needs and how they can be as others. Also it teaches the visually impaired on how to manage and control the ATMs whether the facilities are accessible for the visually impaired or not. So, we are very happy to see that it has been successful and every visually impaired citizen can gain access from it. But you can check more details down below.Heading 2. Craft Project: Our organization had launched this craft project to assist the under privileged who are differently abled who are unable to educate themselves in school especially like the visually impaired, low vision, locomotor, and those who have a bit of difficulty in speaking. This project can help them to gain from their own income without depending on others so that they can stand on their own feet. For instance, to produce and train them like souvenir items etc. Through this project we aim and promote and expand our organization.Heading 3 Computer Training Project: Our organization would like to establish a computer training center for the visually impaired especially for those who are underprivileged in order to help them to do the training in our own state since it is very difficult to go outside the state. Therefore, if we run the computer center in our organization it would be much more easier for the visually impaired citizens of our states and also it’s free training.Request for the trainees and parents to send their special childrens to join our courses. On behalf of our organization we urge all the parents and trainees to kindly send their children to join our training courses where we will try our level best to establish various trainings that can benefit them.Request for collaboration from the citizens or anyone. Our organization requests all the citizens of our states and across the country to kindly collaborate with us so that we can overcome all the issues of the differently abled people, through your collaboration we can make a change in the society and they will be aware about the visually impaired people.Introduction of the ATM Talking Software Project. Talking ATMs is a type of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that provides audible instructions so that people who cannot read an ATM screen can independently use the machine. ATMs Talking ATM is an important machine where blind customers can also use easy transactions. Our organization had successfully completed this project where it conduct the survey to all the headquarters of the district to test the machine whether it is accessible for the visually impaired or not and what are the services that are available for the visually impaired, after all these we compiled and submit the report and also give the suggestions as well of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to the Government in order to improve the facilities so that visually impaired too can use the machine independently.To guide the visually Impaired citizens how to use or operate the Card or ATM machines and also for the public domains. After completing this project our organization would like to provide a training to the blind customers on how to use the ATM machine that is on how to withdraw cash from an ATM and how to recognised the yellow chip which are available in the ATM card, also on how to keep their secret PIN number confidential, at the same time to identify and keep it confidential the three CVV code so that they will be save from all the disadvantages and that their transaction will be secure safely. And we beg all of the visually impaired citizens that if you use the ATM Card you need to have earphones for your own security because nobody should know about your confidential passwords etc. according to our findings, most of the visually impaired in the state of meghalaya they don’t know how to operate the machines of ATM. if you ask them? The answer is some of them will say we never heard about it and some of them will say that the banks do not allow me etc.At the same time, appreciation to the MDA-1 government for sponsoring this project. The Blind Lead Trust feel grateful to be able to get the sponsorship form the Government to complete the ATM Project. Without the help from the government, the organization would not be able to proceed with it. From this ATM Project, many blind customers will get the chance to use the ATM and to do their required transaction successfully and independently. Once again, the Organization took the opportunity to convey our appreciation to the Government of Meghalaya (MDA1) and individuals for helping the Visually impaired community in the state of meghalaya.
Meeting Held at State Resource Centre on Disability Affairs
On the 20th July 2023, members of the Blind Lead Trust Organization went to attend the meeting conducted by the State Resource Centre on Disability Affairs at Civil Hospital Shillong. The meeting was attended by various Disability Association in Shillong.
The meeting was conducted to discuss on Media Collaboration of the different Disability Association with the SRC. The session was given by Josiah Lyngwa who worked in the media department in the SRC. Where, he disseminate knowledge on these topic :
(a) Understanding media and its potential impact on disability awareness
(b) Exploring effectiveness method for disseminating disability concept
(c) Potential Partnership and opportunities for collaboration between various DPOs and the SRCDA.
Discussion on Media Collaboration with the SRC The main objectives if this meeting is that the SRC want to promote its own You tube Channel called MPRPD Channel by including all the disability association to collaborate and joining hands with the SRC in order upgrade their channels. The MPRPD channel is newly launch and it only meant to showcase the talent and experience of the Person With Disability. This Channel has a mission to promote or cultivate the person with disability so that people will be aware of their rights and opportunities. The Channel hope to delivers a positive message based on the experience and ideas shared by the person with disability in the form of social experiences, expression, scripted film or short video for the public so that they will understand and be aware about the challenges faced by the person with disability. The members in the meeting have shares their own ideas and experiences in order to promote the channel.
We are very grateful to be apart of the media collaboration that we can shared our own problem faced by the visually impaired. As we the visually impaired people are facing lots of problem in our day to day live because the society does not consider us important and most of the time we lose our rights due to discrimination. We hope we are able to help and collaborate positively by sharing new thing and ideas. As in a modern world, media is the one source which we can express our thought in a positive way so that the world will know and have have little knowledge about the Person With Disability.
Meeting with the State Resource Centre on Disability Affairs -
COLKS visiting the Blind Lead Trust
On the 7th July 2023 members of the COLKS team organization that work to promote Regional Identity and Farmer Stability visits the BLIND LEAD TRUST as a part of their office journey. Members of the COLKS team had an interaction with the staff of the organization, whereby Director of the BLT gave them a brief description and explanation about the organization, how does it function and what are the activities and projected that have been executed by the organization. The members of the COLKS also get to observed the Broom training that were taking place at the time of their visiting.
It is such a wonderful day to witness the kindness and appreciation of the COLKS members who took their precious time to visits us. It is a pleasure to meet the team member who are really appreciates and acknowledge our work. During the visiting, the COLKS members has also brought some food items as a part of donations to our organization. Words cannot express how blessed and thankful we feel to be apart of your journey. We are looking forward to collaborate and work with your organization in the future.
Food Items donated by the COLKS Members Food Items donated by the COLKS Team Members -
The Blind Lead Trust Had started its Handicraft Training
The Blind Lead Trust today the 3rd July 2023 has started it very own handicraft Training. The BLT handicraft training first focuses on the broom Training . The training Supervisor first teach them how to make broom using broom stick, knife and thread etc. The BLT at first focuses on broom making to teaching the trainees to make brooms. At present the BLT had 10 trainee who comes for the broom training. These trainee came from the District of Meghalaya.
Training Supervisor giving training to the trainee. Most of the trainees are visually impaired and some of them have some other disability. In this training the BLT focuses to teach the person with disability(PWDs) on how to acquire the skills and knowledge of broom making. The main objectives and goals of this training is that the organization want the PWDS to gain knowledge and acquire the skills on the training so that they can rely on themselves and not to be dependent on others.
Trainee are learning the broom training. The Blind Lead Trust who looks after the welfare of the Visually has again take the initiatives to re-open the handicraft training for the PWDs so that the PWDs can earn and gain some financial income for themselves and so they can stand on their own feet in their day-to-day life. The Organization also hope that with these training being implemented, it will help the PWDs in the society so that the trainee will get a chance to showcase their talent and skills . We also hope that they will share their experience and knowledge that they are gaining from the Organization and teach other people the skills that they have.
Meeting conducted by the State Commissioner of Person with Disability at Main Secretariat Building Shillong
The State Commissioner of Person with Disability on the 2nd June sent a letter to the Blind Lead Trust Organization to invite the Director of the Blind Lead Trust Shri.Jitendra Dkhar to a meeting conducted by the State Commissioner for Person with Disability.
The meeting was held on the 5th June, 2023 at 4:00 pm in Committee Room II , Room No. 317, Main Secretariat Building , Shillong
The chairman of the meeting was Shri. Sanjay Kant Prasad Commissioner Secretary For Person With Disability. The meeting was held to discuss the subject relating to Accessible transportation for the Person with Disability. The meeting was attended by the different Disability Association NGOs in the States. The meeting was conducted with the presence of the State Commissioner of Person with Disability Smt.S.B Marak and Assistant Deputy Commissioner Smt.B. Warshong, and Commissioner of Transportation Shri.E.Kharmalki.
Here, the meeting discussed the accessibility in Transportation of the Person with Disability; it might be anywhere, on the road, footpath and staircase that are meant for public use. In the meeting, the NGOs shared their different views and opinions regarding this matter. They have shared their statement of problems and experience faced by PWDs related to accessibility in transportation.
Regarding the Accessibility in Transportation for the PWDs was first led by Ferdinand Lyngdoh Marshilong who is himself a hearing impaired. He is still pursuing his PHD Research on this matter. He felt that the accessibility in Transportation for the PWDs need to be implemented for the safety of the PWDs.
Discussion on Accesible transportation for the Person with Disability. During the meeting the Director of the Blind Lead Trust shared few of his opinions and views regarding the issue experienced by him as a visually impaired on the roadsides, footpath and while crossing the road. Here in the discussion the Director of the BLT has spilled some of his difficulty facing as a visually impaired, such as the bus fare or the taxi fare , it is supposed that the PWDs have to pay 50% from the normal rate be it by bus or by a taxi. But there are certain points where the driver took advantage of this issue where they saw that if the visually impaired were catching a taxi or a bus they tend to ignore or neglect them because they knew that if the visually impaired sit in their car they will have to pay only 50% bus fare from the normal rate. It was also suggested that the Commissioner should raise more awareness regarding the reserved seat for the PWDs in buses, that the seat are only meant for the PWDs. So therefore the seat must not be misused by the normal people, in case the seat for the PWDs is being occupied by the sighted, the bus conductor should replace the sighted people with the PWDs since the seat is totally reserved for them. This has created trouble in the day to day life of the Visually impaired. Apart from that, the Director also shared his opinion based on the accessibility on the footpath, that the footpath should not be sloping if feasible and the staircase should be accessible for them to walk, railing should be constructed as it gives support for the visually impaired. The Street Vendors should also be adaptable when it comes to the visually impaired as sometimes the visually impaired accidentally stumble upon the goods and stuff of the street vendors. Sometimes the Street Vendors yell at the visually impaired for accidentally stumbling their holdings. So this has created Chaos in the situation. It was also suggested that the Commissioner of Person with Disability should give a kind of training or workshop to the street vendors on how to deal and adapt with the visually impaired. The Director of BLT also gives a suggestion to the Commissioner of Transportation where they should construct a waiting house for the PWDs so that it will be easy for the visually impaired to catch a vehicle and also for the driver where to exactly embark and disembark the visually impaired passenger. As in the National Airport, most of the menu available in the airport and inside the plane is not accessible for the visually impaired for example for the sighted people they can read about what is there in the menu book but the visually impaired cannot access all that. To solve this problem, the management should put braille tactile for the visually impaired to be able to catch up or to understand. The Commissioner Of Transportation said that he would discuss and do the necessary steps for this problem.
So, apart from all the discussion and opinions shared by the different Association, the State Commissioner of Person with Disability along with the Commissioner of Transportation has come up with an idea to set up a Monitoring Committee that will look after all these problems and matters faced by the PWDs related to Transportation.